Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What is useful right now here on earth?

Rather than be confrontational I was wondering today what is useful to actually be here on earth. So, what I'm getting at is what people should be praying for or "What is most useful to be praying for?"

This is always difficult in some ways to ferret out what is best for the most people in mankind. in other centuries often this was much easier, you prayed for your family, your city, your nation and your God to succeed in whatever your group was about.

But now, the world, because of air travel is one place not many anymore. Trying to believe it is many places is a remnant of when people didn't travel so fast or effortlessly around the globe like so many do now.

It is as if there is only one nation, Earth now, despite what territorial games of countries we might be playing still here on earth.

LIke what is happening in the Ukraine between Russia and the U.S. and all the NATO nations is a remnant of World War II and Cold War thinking. But, in actuality it isn't really that way anymore.

So, in a sense the whole thing is sort of a dream of the past rather than a reality of the present.

One could look at this as Putin's way to stay in power a bit longer. One could see this as a failure economically of Russia so Putin has to take other countries now (sort of like Hitler did) to stay in power sort of like a pirate.

Or one could think like many Russians do that the U.S. and Europe don't play fair in business. I think the main problem isn't any of these things.

I think the main problem actually is global Climate change and right now this is Russia's way of dealing with Global Climate change and not being able to grow enough food because of it. And all the rest sort of harkens back to another time 50 or more years ago in an act of desperation to bring back the Soviet Past and power. However, this is another time, another era(and short of releasing nuclear weapons) I don't think there is a successful way for Russia to return to it's past before 1990 again in reality.

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