Thursday, September 18, 2014

GMOs make the 2nd generation sterile and unable to have children at all

70% of the processed foods presently in Supermarkets across the U.S. contain some or all Genetically modified foods. This is hidden from the public at large by companies like Monsanto for whom making money selling Genetically modified foods is more important than human survival here on earth.

So, people who are educated and understand this will continue to have children at the 2nd and 3rd generation, and people who don't understand this and buy the 70% of the processed foods will become sterile one by one in the 2nd generation of consuming processed foods.

Why is this?

This is how companies like Monsanto are deciding to make a profit by sterilizing you. Is this right?

No. But this is what is happening to people especially in North, South, and Central America right now who are exposed to Genetically engineered foods.

China won't buy genetically modified rice for example, because they know about this. So, why does the U.S. have genetically modified rice, wheat, corn, and soybeans and genetically modified fish and some meats?

In fact, up to 90% of all soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically modified, so even when people buy soy to be more healthy, often they are buying genetically modified soy products because that is all that is available most places in the U.S. now.

So, what happens within the next 20 to 50 years?

2nd generation people eating genetically modified foods won't be able to have children, but educated people who could afford to shop at places like Whole Foods and others will still be having children.

It's quite simple.

So genetically modified foods is a war against people having children who eat GMOs. This is simple.

And beyond that many people are dying quickly or slowly from allergic reactions to genetically modified foods as well. However, the symptoms are such that "How can you assess what is actually killing you and diminishing your life?"

This is a corporate project that doesn't care about what happens to people just like people made billions off of tobacco for hundreds of years. It is the same thing. It is about money over people surviving and able to have children. It's actually very simple.

It is one of the worst things about living in the corporate culture of America.

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