Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thoughts on what might have caused the Naked celebrity photo leak

I began thinking about this this morning, and the likelihood that ICLOUD was breached is actually less likely because of encryption than IPHONES and Androids being hacked directly. In England there were many people hacking IPhones and Androids a few years ago. They did this for news about royalty and public figures like actors or victims of criminal activities etc.

However, many people have these skills (for a price) to hack phones because smartphones are the easiest thing to hack worldwide because of their almost total lack of security in any way, shape or form.

The main reason smartphones are designed with almost no protection is because governments want them designed this way to protect themselves from various kinds of terrorists. So, in order for governments to protect themselves, citizens with smartphones are vulnerable to thieves, Nude photo thieves and anything else financial people can steal or use or sell worldwide.

So, like I have said before here, don't expect anything that goes through a smartphone to remain private worldwide.

You may not know who has this information but hundreds or thousands of people might have whatever you have on your smartphone. They may or may not use it because anyone or government that has information from 5 billion cellphones regarding GPS location of every cell phone on earth etc. might not be organized enough to use it in an effective way unless they were waging war against one or more countries or at the very least waging an economic war between various countries on earth.

So, mostly this information will be used for economic warfare between nations or by individual criminals. Or it could be used by corporations to fatten their bottom line.

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