Monday, July 6, 2015

Economic Warfare

The U.S. and Europe and other nations are conducting economic warfare on Russia and Iran with sanctions and both countries feel the bite of economic sanctions.

The European Union doesn't really want to be conducting Economic Warfare against the average Greek citizen (but they were) until last week and until today. (We shall see what the future brings).

Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen but also blockading Yemen which also is an economic warfare along with a bloody bombing war against the Houthis. But the Houthis are dug in now so mostly it is millions of Yemenis who are dying of starvation slowly and from a lack of health care and potable water.

The U.S. and World Banks were conducting economic warfare against each other and against the American People and then the European people starting around 2007 or 2008. This was called the Great Recession. The result was a lot of people starved or committed suicide directly from this economic war. The losers also were many smaller banks who failed and were bought up by the bigger banks who survived (just a very few banking systems). So now, we have just a few "Too big to fail" banks so this is even worse than before in many ways in bringing down whole countries or sets of countries if any ONE of these big banks fail (anywhere on earth).

So, what is economic warfare?

It appears to mostly be a way of conducting whenever possible a non- bloody result. However, even with a non-bloody result, economic warfare kills a whole lot of people through suicide and hopelessness and starvation. So, any way it is conducted in reality it kills a lot of people and destroys their lives often permanently or fatally in the end.

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