Sunday, November 1, 2015

Remember to "Fall Back" here in the U.S.

It's an hour earlier than you might think so if you got to church an hour before everyone else you already know this. But, last night at I think 2 am is when we all are supposed to go from Daylight Savings time to regular Time once again here in the U.S.

I wouldn't have known or the people in my house as we waited for Trick or Treaters if I hadn't turned on NBC Nightly News to here that it was time to fall back. Most clocks in your house you are going to need to change physically back one hour. However, most phones will adjust by themselves, especially Smart phones generally. So, if you aren't sure about the time go online to Google or somewhere like that and just type in "Time" to get an accurate setting for your specific Time Zone.

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