Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Weather Channel says this likely is a year to Ski the Sierras

IF you look at the predicted precipitation patterns the wettest weather this season for the U.S. is likely to be from north of San Francisco through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and really wet through Florida.

However, this might also mean that the Rockies won't get much snow. So, the Weather channel remarked that this likely was going to be a good ski season for Lake Tahoe and other Sierra resorts this year.

So, this weather will likely go over from San Francisco through Tahoe and all of the Sierras as well as the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys and down through Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego and points south and east of there all the way to Florida which should get a lot of flooding along with California this season from now until at least May.

How do Californians feel about this?

Well. Droughts historically do more damage than anything else long term. Whole civilizations have collapsed temporarily or permanently because either they all starved to death or they had to move en masse (the ones that survived) to somewhere else.

So, Floods are 100 times better than droughts because at least then the houses and buildings and animals that don't wash away at least have water to drink and you can grow food once again here in California. And hopefully the aquifers presently being drained will replenish a little this rainy season.

However, if you are a skier: "Pray for Snow!" wherever you are.

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