Monday, February 6, 2017

What is Enlightenment?

IT manifests differently in each and every person. Just like some of us are artists or musicians or poets or carpenters or lawyers and have various talents, just so, enlightenment for each person will be very very different.

However, one thing they all have in common: Infinite compassion for all sentient life in the entire universe in the past, present and future.

This kindredness is infinitely empowering both to the enlightened person but also to all life in the past, present and future of the universe as well.

Can I scientifically explain this?

Maybe the best way to explain it is the kindredness of humans on earth who share similar views which makes them become more like brothers and sisters and family every day. So, beings helped by kindred spirits help other beings they have maybe never met before (at least in this present lifetime). This spirit of giving and helping we find often in religions but also in sports events like the Olympics. So, maybe imagine a connectedness between all kind beings in the past, present and future all helping each other to complete enlightenment not only individually but also of whole civilizations universe wide in the past, present and future of the entire universe.

To the fully enlightened neither time nor space is ever any barrier at all.

By God's Grace

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