Monday, April 24, 2017

North Korea has no motivation whatsoever to give up Nuclear Weapons Ever!

Because they know for a fact if they gave up nuclear weapons that within a few years they would end up just like Qaddhafi did in Libya: Assassinated or in prison along with all North Korean higher ups with their government completely gone with China running North Korea instead. China sees this too but doesn't want to have to do with 23 million brainwashed walking wounded since the 1950s. This is a nightmare for China too!

So, this is what the world doesn't seem to understand. You don't think North Korea wasn't taking notes when this happened to Qaddafi you didn't want nuclear weapons anymore because he couldn't be sure they weren't going to get into the wrong hands.

So, I'm thinking that either China or the U.S.  or both HAVE to say to North Korea: "Either change your ways and become responsible or we are going to nuke you if you don't give up nuclear weapons right now!"

So, I'm thinking because of the state of development of North Korean nuclear weapons Trump and China will soon make this threat and then if they do will have to back this up. Otherwise, More and more millions of people are just going to die in a North Korean caused nuclear holocaust otherwise in places like North Korea, South Korea, Japan and China and possible Hawaii or the U.S.

At this point there isn't another useful alternative that I can see realistically.

However, politically speaking millions of people dying anywhere on earth all of a sudden with those downwind then dying also of radiation is a pretty horrific thing for any politician to think about in any country too.

But, it might all be inevitable at this point!

So, how many realists are in political power in the world?

We will see.

What is downwind of North and South Korea if the nukes go off?

Vladivotok, Russia and Japan and parts of China if we are talking about prevailing winds I think.

In other words North and South Korea wouldn't be the only non-populated radiated  places after the nukes went off where people might not be able to live for several hundred years. Just look at Fukushima nuclear power plant and how many square miles still cannot have people living there since 2011 if you want to understand better what I'm talking about. Also, study Chernobyl and how people can't go there anymore and still survive if they stay there very long.

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