Sunday, October 29, 2017

Basic observations of human beings for almost 70 years now

1. If people don't believe in something often they are dead by 30 from Alcohol, Drugs or just plain suicide or self destructive behavior.

To me, this is the most basic of my observations. As I watched people self destruct that I know mostly before age 30 but many after that as well I noticed if they believed in something they might live a long time. However, they could believe in themselves, their families, their wisdom and knowledge but everyone who goes on and on usually believes in something more than themselves.

So, without a belief in something people tend to just fade out slowly or quickly and then they are gone.

I have not thought myself to be someone who would live a long time at many points in my life.

But, I do have the ability to Die to self, to die to God, especially at night.

Many times I have prayed to God: "Let me die God I've had enough!" over the years at night.

And so I died and woke up someone new in the morning.

"Hope springs eternal if we die Daily!"

I have lived this motto and I believe it is one of the reasons I'm still alive at almost 70 next spring.

You have to die daily to live forever or to have the hope of living forever.

This is just life as the way it really is.

I have already had to be more than 100 different ever evolving people so far in my life and I'm not done yet.

By God's Grace

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