Sunday, October 29, 2017

What I believed as a child and what I believe now are not exactly the same thing

There is a saying: "Experience is the best teacher". So, what did I learn between childhood in the 1950s and now?

First I learned that if you ask a lot of questions in ANY religion they might harm you in various ways.


Because religions don't want to be turned into Swiss Cheese by people asking really useful questions.

For example, if it is science you can ask any question you want to and no one is likely to try to destroy your life as a person.

But, if you ask any religion questions they don't want you asking then your life may be at stake.

How do I mean this?

They might talk you into committing suicide especially if you were born into this religion if you ask questions they might excommunicate you for asking questions they don't want you to.

So, the more intelligent and inquisitive you are the more likely you will be harmed by religions.

And the less intelligent and more gullible you are the more likely you will believe whatever you are told and leave it at that.

So, are intelligent people members of religions?

Yes. But usually they are in those religions not because they actually believe in them but rather as a way to make friends, lovers, wives, husbands and business associates.

This is the reality around the world.

When I was asked to leave my birth religion for asking questions friends came to me and said, "You cannot ask those questions or they will make you go away. They told me what to say and I said to them.  "IF I can't be in a religion because I believe in it in a sincere way then I would rather not be in one at all."

They still told me what I should say. I still repeated what I said above.

I'm not interested in being in a religion I cannot 100% commit to.

I'm not interested in believing in God unless I can be 100% committed to God and know he is answering my prayers.

So, I learned that God is just fine with me asking ANY question I want to and there to answer me directly. However, religions not so much.

Then I decided to use the Scientific Method regarding all aspects of my life from Francis Bacon (Saint Germain) in that incarnation as the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth the First in Shakespearean England. (He also wrote the Shakespearean Plays since Shakespeare couldn't read or write. (Not many people could read then unless they were raised in royalty to afford tutors like Francis Bacon was.)

By applying the scientific method to all things in life I could then create hypotheses, Theories and laws for everything I experienced.

I found this quite useful because there was nothing really I threw away because everything I learned became a hypothesis and moved to a theory with more and more proof along the way. However, there are very very few laws that I have come up with along the way because the amount of proof to make something a law for me is that (there are no exceptions to any experiments regarding laws.)

So, something has to work every single time to be a law in my scientific reality. So, whether something is spiritual, physical or psychological I need proof to take it seriously.

By following Saint Germain's Scientific method that he developed as Francis Bacon it has never failed me on any level so far.

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