Tuesday, October 31, 2017

george papadopoulos

george papadopoulos has a master's degree from college and was considered to be "Trump called him an "Excellent Guy" at one point when he met with him at the white house, for example.

But, even though he was very capable in his field, this would have been the kind of go between fellow the Trump Campaign would have sent to Putin because Papadopoulos wasn't necessarily a "World TRaveler" familiar with exactly what he was getting into and likely somewhat idealistic as a collegiate kind of person. So, when Mueller found him he was vulnerable to the FBI because he was unable to hide what he had been doing as Trump's "Coffee Boy" making Trump's trips to "Putin's Niece" which is a nice way of saying "A Woman who works for the KGB like Putin used to". However, the KGB isn't called that any more it is usually called now the FSB or something like that.

However, there is another element here that has to be considered too in why Putin is attacking the U.S. by making Trump president to destroy our Democracy in a Republic and all our institutions:

Putin and the Russian oligarchs are getting really financially screwed by all the International Sanctions that Obama through the whole world put in place.

It is completely logical therefore that Putin would "Declare War ON the United States" and try to destroy it because of Sanctions.

It also demonstrates his desperation financially to stay in power in Russia.

So, though the U.S. is externally winning this economic war with Russia it is also losing by Putin having succeeded in putting Trump in power to directly destroy our democracy and democratic institutions.

So, it is a lot like watching two wrestlers strangle each other while China and other nations around the world are smiling because they hope Russia and the U.S. completely destroy each other.

So, this is the real problem I see here.

So, in some ways between Russia and the U.S. this is a "NO WIN" situation for both just like the Cold War was a no win situation too in the long run.

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