Monday, October 30, 2017

My memories from 65 million years ago on Maldek (The present Asteroid belt when it was a planet)

 The reason I'm sharing this past life memory right now is Trump may destroy earth like the Asteroid belt was destroyed by nuclear weapons any day now.

I was one of the last babies (in that past lifetime) born on Maldek before the nukes that went off caused Maldek to fly apart.

You might ask: "Why did the planet Maldek fly apart and become our asteroid belt sort of like Aldebaron become in the first STar Wars movie.

I was a baby then but what I was told later and through historical videos of that time was that the two factions were warring and one faction decided to blow up an area on Maldek and kill everyone in 100 square miles by placing three nuclear weapons as three points of a triangle.

Though this killed as they expected it would everyone in that triangle it did something else too.
It blew all the land in the triangle up down into the magma. So, imagine the crust of the planet blown down to the lava magma.

This wouldn't have been a problem except for the water table and the fact that lakes were also nearby.

So, as the lake waters went into the magma we now have steam power exploding. Imagine what is happening when lava hits the ocean only imagine 100 to 1000 miles of the same thing hitting the water. What happens then?

Explosive Steam!

So, this caused lands to blow up more and more until the crust was blown away and we got to the ocean. When the whole ocean hit the magma this was the beginning of the end of Maldek. IT was sort of like "What happens when an immovable object (Earth or Maldek) hits and irressistable force (infinite steam explosions).

So, the water kept exploding a steam from the magma and pieces of Maldek and it's atmosphere kept blowing off into space. Anyone near this their eardrums exploded first from the sounds which were so loud. People nearer to the concussions just died and that's all.

Those further away eventually couldn't breathe when enough atmosphere over  a month or so blew not only lands into space from the steam but also Atmosphere as well as steam into space.

Eventually, there was no land or people or life left and this cycle only continued until there was only pieces of the planet and globules of water coalescing in space and that's all that was left of the planet.

This is my past life memory of the planet that became the asteroid belt and where we live now is EArth (from Maldek and Mars). This is 65 million years ago when the biggest dinosaurs that couldn't hide in water or caves all died (which was convenient for the survivors of Mars and Maldek who settled here on earth  then.

How did the Soviet Probe in the 1970s discover all this?

Geiger counters and other evidence showed them that this was a planet destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Why didn't religions want this known?

Because the apocalyptic religions want everyone to die like this anyway!

Apocalyptic religions already see their demise in technology in the future so this is a way to end it all where everyone goes to heaven together?

This appears to be the case.

And Trump and many of his people are apocalyptic like this where they want to all die together and go to heaven.

But, what if the rest of us and God actually want something else?

What if God actually wants to have earth's cultures go on and on and on into the future for millions of years. What if that is what God wants?

And what if the old guys who wrote about apocalypse were sort of suicidal and unhappy anyway and not as in touch with God as they thought? A lot of people starved most of their lives back then, didn't have enough protein and had all sorts of health problems as a direct result.

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