Sunday, June 10, 2018

I have had at least one blog continuously since 1999

And I first studied Computer programming in College in 1966 when I was 18 at Glendale College and learned to program in Cobol and Fortran and how to use peripheral punch card equipment because in those days only NASA pretty much had computer chips yet.

Without computer chips there was no ram and programming was very tedious. At the time I wanted to build myself a female robot as a companion. However, soon as I studied technically I realized that was 75 to 100 years away (like now) and even then it will have to be perfected for another 100 to 500 years so robotics is more intuitive than now where you might not be able to tell the difference between a created sentient and a human being without being a computer engineer specializing in Androids and robotics.

So, my first blog was at Geocities which eventually Yahoo bought. I had this blog until 2007 when I replaced it with two other blogs. This one here in the Fall and soon after which is a Yahoo business site that I actually pay around 150 to 200 dollars a year for now.

However, this site you are reading on now is free. I also have another blog called "the Spiritual Path" but I haven't had time to add more stuff to it recently. Likely what I might do is just recopy spiritual stuff from intuitivefred888 there so it's all the spiritual stuff in one place that deals with religion, spirituality and intuition and stuff like that and philosophy and  Mystical Christian philosophy and Buddhist Philosophy.

One reason I can call myself a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist is that Christians see Buddhism generally speaking as a philosophy and not a religion, sort of the way some people see Hatha Yoga and Accupuncture and Accupressure as being useful  medical treatments.

So, whenever I can since I have about 20 years experience running one or more blogs (at first programming the whole thing in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that works within the HTTP protocols which means "Hyper Text Transfer Protocols" which allows all sorts of computers, iphones, ipads, desktops, laptops and mainframes to all communicate in many many different languages and variations of internet languages around the world.

So, if I have an insight that I think might be helpful to some or all new or experienced bloggers I try to share my insights in the hopes that it helps newcomers and experienced bloggers alike.

For example, people will tell you all sorts of things that might be true or not but only through experience can you actually learn what is true, what is actually true and what is sometimes true and in what context all that might mean.

So, you cannot completely believe any website on earth because they will make all sorts of impossible demands upon you that are actually complete bullshit.

In the end you have to be savvy to survive in the blogging world just like in the business world all over earth. If you now own a business or have ever owned one like I have you know exactly what I'm talking about.

People will write or say all sorts of completely untrue things to force you to do to things that are NOT NOT NOT in your best interests. It's sort of like robo-callers trying to get you to say "YES" on your phones. "NEVER NEVER NEVER say yes to anything robotic on your phone or you might have bought something right then. So, be careful wherever you are whatever you are doing here on earth.

Note: one useful thing for bloggers to know is that every platform loads your blog differently somewhat. So, often I check what my blog looks like on my Iphone internet and on my Macbook pro laptop (i have two of them a newer one and an older one (2015 and 2009) and so I can check these three platforms and on Google Chrome because that generally is what I'm composing on now. I liked Firefox better but I find I was having problems with it the last 6 months for some reason so I had to switch over to Google Chrome.

So, the more platforms you can check as you blog to see how your blog loads on various platforms the better experience your readers will have around the world.

For example, I don't necessarily like what my Iphone does with my blog. But, if you are at my page using an Iphone if you go down to very bottom of my page on your Iphone there is a line at the bottom that allows you to load the site like it loads on a laptop or desktop. That's usually what I do automatically now if I'm looking at my site on my Iphone traveling somewhere. Also, I have a plan with Verizon now where I have unlimited Cellular data which helps a lot too. But, if you burn through too much data they will slow you down so be aware of that too. So, I don't watch long videos on my cell phone because of this only on my laptop or Tivo with my 60 inch flatscreen TV or through Roku from Netflix or Amazon prime or HBO Go with my computer when traveling.

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