Thursday, June 21, 2018

my wife and daughter were concerned about "White people Going Extinct" article

They were upset because they didn't want my articles to inspire racists who are white racists against all other races.

The problem as I see it is different (if you perceive a problem at all).

For example, if you want ANY white people left on earth then maybe some white people need to ONLY breed with white people.

Because being white, having blue eyes or green eyes or red hair or blonde hair or periwinkle violet eyes is a recessive gene. Once you breed with other races these genes are very recessive.

Another way to look at this is that white skin comes from a particular diet where people didn't get enough sunlight who had a particular genetic makeup. But, it is still a recessive gene like white skin, blonde hair, red hair, blue eyes, green eyes and periwinkle violet eyes etc.

But, being black is a dominant gene, being asian looking is a dominant gene and all darker skin tones other than white are more dominant genes. So, the race most in danger of going extinct through interbreeding is the white race not the others.

However, I saw a computer model of what the average person would look like on earth after 100 years of jet passenger plane travel and what they would look like is Someone who looked asian but with some relatives from Africa thrown in, the white looks were completely gone on average.

They didn't have blonde hair, blue eyes, green eyes, periwinkle violet eyes or red hair because within 100 years all these become a recessive gene much like how Neanderthals interbred with today's humans so much that they disappeared completely even though 6% of some people's genetic heritage in Europe is Neanderthal which gives them incredible immune systems.

I don't think white people should be racist but I don't think they should be allowed to go extinct either as a race on earth through interbreeding with all other races to the point where they don't exist anymore.(except every 10th child might have blonde hair or blue eyes or green eyes even though they might be asian or black looking too.)

Other races are proud of their races. Why can't White people be proud of their race too? So, they don't let their race go completely exinct in the next 100 years or so?

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