Sunday, June 10, 2018

The whole world is the problem not just Trump

I have been trying lately not to write much about Trump?


Because Trump is ONLY a symptom of the problems of mankind and not the cause.

If you focus ONLY on Trump the problems of the world just get worse and worse and worse and worse.

PEOPLE: We are in a technological singularity out of control.

You thought we would be destroyed by robots raping and pillaging and killing people right?


We are being destroyed by Tweets like Trump's.

We are being destroyed by Facebooks dissemination of everything about you and your children even your babies so they won't be able to get jobs or find a school that will take them for college because of the stupid stuff they put on facebook at 5 or 10 years of age.

We are being destroyed by the technology itself with bad actors stealing all they can of everything.

Trump is a symptom of Greed gone mad to the starvation and detriment of everyone on earth.

Millions are going to die and thousands are already dying daily through starvation from lack of jobs by what Trump is already doing through Trade Wars worldwide.

Trump is killing people worldwide through this trade war.

Where are people dying the most now?

Likely North Korea and China and everywhere else on earth.

Stop focusing on Trump. HE is a cartoon!

The problem is (ALL 8 BILLION OF US!)

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