Friday, June 15, 2018

This URL takes you to an interesting page of stuff at Time magazine on Drones

Or just type into your Google search engine or other one.

I wasn't able to create a word button to take you there for some reason but you can easily do one of these two to get you to where there are all sorts of interesting pages on Drones and videos and stuff like this.

The way this initial page works is that whenever you click "Read More" a new window will be generated by your computer (ideally). So, for me, what I do is when I finish reading a combination of videos and text at a certain "Read more" I delete the window that was automatically generated by clicking the 'Read more'. this works for me to avoid confusion between different sub articles here at this site. It's pretty amazing all the information and videos and pictures available at this site by the way.

To think about someone setting up 1000 drones to shape the cover of Time Magazine that was finally actually put on the cover it boggles the mind a little to contemplate this.

IF you can get 1000 drones to make a time magazine cover that you can actually take a picture of and publish just remember you could also have 1000 drones carrying each a hand grenade into a city as well. So, this is something to think about as well and one day we will see this in action as we saw during the war with the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Only it wasn't 1000 drones often it was one drone with a plastic sheath to drop a hand grenade from a drone through at 100 to 400 feet often at night using night scopes and night vision dropping often on civilians who couldn't even hear the electric drone over head at that altitude.So, this is also warfare of the future and of now as well.

So, one moment you would be standing there innocently and the next you would be scattered all over the place. So, this isn't just for peace time that 1000 drones can assemble like this it is also for warfare on earth here too.

Imagine 1000 drones all set horizontal at 100 to 400 feet in altitude all dropping each one of 1000 hand grenades over a square block or a square mile in perfect precision at the same moment? This can happen too. And this could happen to soldiers or civilians and if it hasn't happened yet it is sure to in the future somewhere on earth.

So, if these were all dropped in precision there would be 1000 explosions within 1 to 3 to 5 seconds of each other on the ground wherever they were dropped in a pattern anywhere on earth.

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