Thursday, July 12, 2018

Abortion is the ONLY known alternative to human extinction at this point

I suppose you could also use mass sterilization to the point where people had to win a lottery to have a child. But, until that happened, Abortion is the ONLY known sure fire way to prevent World War III, terrorists blowing up the world with nuclear weapons, pandemics wiping us all out etc.

So, if you have studied this sort of thing in college and have actually looked at the numbers here, even though it looks okay without abortion space wise here in the U.S. this is NOT true in most undeveloped countries and it's already chaos most places on earth already. And people without legal birth control or any access to aboritons more and more are losing ALL their human rights places where abortion is not allowed.

Where abortion isn't allowed more and more children are murdered by law enforcement or private citizens every single day. This is the reality of life on earth now.

People who are against abortions should consider the suffering of those same children as they are abused and tortured by their parents when they are forced to be born worldwide especially to girls 12 to 25 years of age who have been raped or abused themselves by men. And so this torture, abuse and murder becomes  Multi-generational and ongoing throughout history when women are forced to bear children they never wanted to men they never wanted to be with in the first place worldwide.

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