Sunday, July 8, 2018

Celeste Weaver

Celeste Weaver is an incarnation of Arrayin or Ah Ray In who is a Saint of the Planet New Deva who is colonized in the future by colonists originally from earth when colonization becomes more common around 2500 AD here on earth. When Ah Ray In was tortured to death by Tech Noir on  the planet Isfahel, Arcane took her soul to Earth and gave her to Eridian or Meridian who is the person Jonathan Flow eventually becomes here on Earth through Soul Evolution around 1 million years into the future of earth.

Ah Ray in being a Saint Feels overwhelmed as a soul being prayed to for help by New Devans a lot like people on earth Pray to Mary the Mother of Jesus for help. At first she gets angels to help her because she is also trying to heal from being tortured to death on Isfahel. But, over time she realizes she should incarnate on another planet where it is against the law to have religions. ON this planet the people believe that religions caused all the wars on earth. So, their point of view is religions cause nuclear wars and annihilate planets. So, because of this organized religions are banned on this planet.

So, Ah Ray IN is born as Celeste Weaver on this planet who is forbidden to have a religion that is organized.

They don't ban personal religions on this planet, you just aren't allowed to form churches and to organize your religions. So, people on this planet have their own personal religions and people often write books about their personal religions on this planet as a form of their own creation stories.

I also advocate people writing about their personal religious experiences because I believe the world benefits by this always. As I studied Tibetan Buddhism and some or all of the Native american creation stories in the 1980s I saw the benefit of people writing their own creation stories at different ages during their lives.

IF you can write down your personal experiences with Nature and God if you believe in God or Buddha if you believe in Buddha I think it is very important to do this not only for yourselves but for all mankind in the future as well.

Writing about your deepest experiences heals all of us.

By God's Grace

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