Sunday, July 22, 2018

Escaping Grief through Drugs only harms people

Unless you can Identify what you are grieving about specifically you are doomed to be dysfunctional the rest of your lives.

So, when you over medicate you cannot become a whole person ever until you allow yourselves to experience your grief.

Experiencing grief and being with it allows us to move on with our lives. Otherwise, we NEVER move on.

This is why drugs to veil grief only make people crazy and kill them and make them dysfunctional.

Doctors might prescribe medicines (so you don't self destruct in your grief)  but you need to know you can never recover fully until you allow yourselves to experience your grief and to define what it is fully that you lost.

ONLY THEN can you hit bottom and reform your lives and recreate your lives and futures.

Before the 1950s and 1960s everyone understood this.

Why don't people understand this now?

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