Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Global Warming kills some people and helps others

If you want to start a farm or a vineyard in Siberia or northern Canada or even Alaska, Global Warming is likely a great thing for you. However, if you already live in a nice weather place like Hawaii or Puerto Rico, Global Warming is just a disaster in the making, just as bad in some ways as the volcano going off on the big island of Hawaii.

So, it is all in your perspective. If you live on the equator and don't have money for an air conditioner you might not live through the summer this summer. Or if you live in the U.S. East of the Mississippi and cannot afford air conditioning or going to the mall every time the temperature becomes unbearable you might be in trouble too.

So, wherever you live on earth Global Warming is either going to help you or harm you and sometimes it will do both over the course of a year or years. This will be more and more true as time goes on and we watch thousands to millions die from global warming because they are incapable of adapting fast enough to save their own lives in an emergency.

Because not all countries have enough ambulances, hospitals or rescue people who are paid to do this like the U.S. or Europe or a few other countries. So, when something bad happens there will be no one to save their lives except volunteers, and they may or may not have the skills to rescue people and to survive themselves in an emergency.

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