Friday, July 20, 2018

I was blown away to learn that there are as many abortions as people died in WWII every year

Whether you are for or against abortion worldwide you cannot be civilized without being horrified at just how many abortions occur yearly worldwide. I took this number 50 million per year and mathematically took it back to 1973 (the year of Roe Versus Wade) and wound up with well over 2 billion more people that would have been aborted in this calculation. But then I had to also realize that these 2 billion people would also have had 4 billion children likely too. So, this creates 6 billion more people than we have now on earth.

And this fact is even more horrific than the 50 million abortions a year now worldwide.

Because 6 billion more people than we have now would have created human extinction by now especially in places like China.

And the most horrific thing of all is that without abortion there would be no people on earth at all by now.

How does anyone cope with any of this?

Abortion is the alternative to human extinction.

This is the biggest paradox of being human on earth right now!

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