Monday, July 23, 2018

President Trump is both cutting himself off at the knees and acting more like a dictator every day now

The way Trump is treating intelligence retired officials it is going to alienate the whole government bureaucracy so they will not support him when it counts. also, in a crisis those same people he is taking security clearance away won't be able to help in a crisis because the crisis won't be able to be shared with them anymore.

And doing this to his retired security officials in the first place is what all dictators do to eliminate other points of view in their country. Look to any dictator on earth and you can see they do what Trump is doing now.

What is the most strange is that we have NEVER seen any other president ever so Dictator like as Trump presently is.

Being a dictator is a sign of weakness because you have to harm your enemies as a dictator to stay in power. Otherwise you are soon gone when you are a dictator.

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