Saturday, July 21, 2018

The conflict of the Cold War was against communism more than corruption up to 1990

But, now the conflict is about Corruption. Corruption in Russia and Corruption through Trump are what we are dealing with and corruption by Erdogan in Turkey and corruption of Duterte in the Philippines etc. etc. etc.

It's your basic Strongman warlord tactics being used against us once more in another guise.

What we are dealing with now is the Mafiya of Russia under Putin's control and it's extension into the United States through Russian Secret agents and corruptible Americans and foreignors.

Yes. All countries are trying to corrupt America in one way or another. But, this has been happening all along.

Is China also corrupting America?

Of course. Is every other nation trying to corrupt America? Yes. of course

Is every Mafia on earth trying to corrupt America and Americans?

Of course. Is every hacker of every nation trying to steal the money of Americans any way they can?

Of course.

All this is happening real time 24 hours a day.

The question is: "What are we going to do about it?"

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