Monday, July 9, 2018

The more of you that can ferret out useful information for the survival of mankind on earth:

the better we will all be in the long run. Especially if you use social media to get help for people around the world. Or you can start a blog like this one or a Vlog which is a video blog. Many people who don't like to type start video blogs but the problem there is exposure. Unless you want to be famous and have everyone know your name and face (I don't want that) a Vlog can be a problem in your life and not a solution.

But, for me, I started writing longhand by age 8 or 9 in a journal and by age 12 or 13 took a class in typing and since I always was very co-ordinated typing was a natural for me so I can type faster than I can talk which is great for me blogging at this point in my life. It was also great in college because I could quickly type long essays and term papers before most other people were just getting started because of the speed at which I could type even then. I like keyboards better because I don't have to use "liquid paper" so much as I would have to on a typewriter to have an error free copy.

But, in the end, however you do it you lend to human survival by sharing important things with your fellow man which makes the odds of at least some of us surviving much better this century and the nest (and the next and the next etc.)

By God's Grace

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