Monday, September 17, 2018


I realize that my blogsite has changed a lot since I stopped writing and quoting about politics so much. I had to "STEP BACK" from the brink so to speak in realizing that Politics in it's present partisan form is "KILLING EVERYTHING GOOD IN AMERICA!".

Understanding this as citizens might be important if we want America to survive all this as a democracy in a Republic.

I was thinking about how Corporate raiders and selling Tesla stock short is killing the good Tesla and Elon Musk have been doing for the whole world now.

And in a similar sense Lobbyists (whether they be Putin's lobbyists or his Oligarch lobbyists) or the red headed secret agent lobbyist he sent into the NRA to do major damage to both the NRA and our nation is also killing our country.

Lobbyists now perform the same function as corporate raiders who destroy companies that might be helpful companies to our nation only to make a profit.

Likewise, Lobbyists of all kinds are destroying the fundamentals of democracy here in the U.S. by bribing Congressmen and women with money which destroys our democracy.

Right now the most bribed are the Republicans who are looking the other way at Trump's follies. But, it can easily switch next year to the Democrats who are being bribed. This is something to consider. In the end Democrats (many of them) are open to bribes as much as Republicans might be generally speaking.

And there are just as many good Republicans that are upset (like McCain who is now gone) by what is happening to our country as there are Democrats.

The corruption other countries are bringing to our political process is horrific. The corruption lobbyists from this country and others are bringing to our political process is horrific too.

Corruption is not a Republican or a Democratic problem. It is a problem for everyone of every party in our country. Wherever money is involved in Politics or religion there is corruption around the world. This is a given. So, to be realistic one must root it out wherever possible everywhere one can.

By God's Grace

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