Friday, October 5, 2018

I find it's interesting that Trump is putting an Alcoholic in as Supreme Court Justice

especially because his brother Fred died in his early 40s from alcoholism and as a result Trump never drank Alcohol at all. That doesn't mean Trump isn't a cocaine head which would explain his behavior in late night tweeting of course but he never drinks alcohol because that is what killed his brother. Carrie Fisher said she knew from personal experiences that Trump was a coke head by the way before she died of a Heroin overdose flying back from England. Her death might have been because she said this by the way.

Don't you think it strange that Trump is putting an alcoholic that tries to rape women while he is drunk on the Supreme Court even though his brother died of alcoholism?

Note: Trump's megalomania all the time is indicative of a cocaine addiction by the way. It also might help him deal better with his personality disorder which is not curable of Narcissistic Personality disorder.

After all the fictitious character Sherlock Holmes was said to be a coke head too and he was able to focus his intelligence to solve crazy situations too in theory. That Trump has serious incurable psychological issues like being a workaholic shouldn't surprise anyone. But, then again most presidents have to be workaholics or they couldn't be president in the first place. So, you have to at least have the psychological disorder of being a workaholic to become president in the first place. So, the fact that Trump has many many psychological problems in addition to being a workaholic isn't surprising to anyone really. So, the fact that he is a cocaine or "coke head" doesn't surprise me at all really. However, this isn't something that Trump wants known. So, likely this is why Carrie Fisher is dead now because she was speaking about it just before she died mysteriously flying on a plane home from England.

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