Monday, October 22, 2018

You are already completely enlightened, you just have to realize it!

When I studied with Tibetan Lamas in the 1980s, they had an interesting way of approaching reality in regard to Enlightenment.

Basically, what they said was that Enlightenment is sort of like being an actor on a stage with the curtain drawn. All you have to do is to open the curtain  to realize you are fully enlightened for it to be true.

To me, it's sort of like everyone thinking that they are children when they are not and one day looking in the mirror and realizing they are already grown up.

Because often this is true too.

Because Being enlightened is being a Grownup for real. It is being and thinking and acting like a Grownup 24 hours a day from then on.

By God's Grace

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