Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The House owes it to the American people to impeach the president whether or not the senate Follows suit

Otherwise the House is basically saying: "I'm not going to impeach the president because Pelosi might not be speaker anymore if she does". And that isn't enough to stop the impeachment of the president. If our courts systems worked like the House is presently working no trial would ever take place here in the U.S. regarding anything. The House OWES the American people the impeachment of Donald Trump whether or not it can impeach him in the Senate as well. Otherwise the House has fallen down on it's duty to the American People.

After listening to hours of testimony of Robert Mueller it is vital that Trump at least be impeached in the House even if he cannot be in the Senate.

Without this Trump is free to go on without punishment for all the lies and illegal things he has done during his campaign and after he became president. And more investigations need now to occur to hold the President and his staff and Cabinet accountable now and into the future until he is removed from power permanently.

IF this doesn't occur the Democratic party has failed the U.S. more than Trump has and that is saying something.

What I'm actually saying here is that if the Democratic party doesn't impeach Trump there is no way to keep our democracy intact and protected from liars like Trump in the future from either party. What you don't believe that a Narcissistic personality disorder communist can't do the same thing as Trump on the other side of things? Someone as far left as Trump is racist on the right could be another Stalin right here in the U.S. Think about it! Stalin killed at least 20 million Russians.

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