Saturday, November 23, 2019

Trump Understands very clearly that Biden is the ONLY Candidate that has any real hope of beating him

Otherwise, Trump wouldn't have got himself into trouble enough to actually get impeached like is happening right now.

Once again there are certain demographics that Warren and Sanders couldn't carry which is the independent Vote and the Black moderate and conservative Vote. No one but Biden could carry these two demographics and Trump knows this. Kamala Harris might or might not carry the black moderates and conservatives but would not carry the independent votes so she couldn't win either against Trump.

This is why Trump is terrified of Biden beating him and why Trump risked everything (even impeachment) to try to destroy Biden in the eyes of the American People. You also notice he hasn't given up trying to destroy Biden and Ukraine so Putin can take over Ukraine and he can publicly destroy Biden with Trump's lies.

Even if something is not true at all if enough people keep saying it it takes on a life of it's own which is true of anything Trump says against Biden regarding Ukraine and Trump trying to harm Ukraine like Putin wants so he can take over Ukraine like he already did  Crimea by stealing it from Ukraine by force. Also, between 11,000 to 14,000 Ukrainians have already died fighting Russia to keep Ukrainian Sovereignty just since 2014.

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