Tuesday, November 12, 2019

why I don't own an Electric Car

First of all my father was an Electrical Contractor so I have a background in understanding the problems as well as the assets of Electricity more than most people do. So, I would say most people who get electric cars or hybrids don't understand the health risks of getting these vehicles (or they wish to ignore these real problems) (sort of like how people want to ignore the problems of cell phones and smartphones). I cringe every time I see a person with a cell phone or smart phone in their heart pockets by the way because I understand just how dangerous this is in the long run to people's potential heart health.

It's bad enough on your thigh next to your genitals but putting one over your heart is just asking for problems in  regard to your heart.

So, electric cars and hybrids are the same thing. And as far as I know most hybrids and electric car makers have not yet put lead lining between their electric motors and generators to protect the driver and the occupants of these vehicles from electrical radiation caused by the generation (in hybrids) or release of power (in both hybrids and all electrics).

So, if I were to buy and electric car or hybrid vehicle the first thing I would do would be to modify the interior with lead lined fabric between me and any electrical motors. So, if you lead line your hybrid or electric by putting something like you have when you get your teeth x-ray ed in a dentists office and put that between you and any electric motors in an all electric or put that between you and any generation units or electric motors in a hybrid and then check the radiation levels in the vehicle when it is driven then likely you would be safe to drive in these vehicles.

The problem is not the first time you ride in one of these without shielding. The problem is what happens you to and especially to children who are riding in these unshielded vehicles for the next 20 or 30 years. The same is true of Cell phones and smart phones too. So, how can you protect yourselves and your children from electric vehicles and hybrids so they don't all wind up with brain cancer or leukemia  or something like that eventually?

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