Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why was my religion both the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me?

Let's start with what was good about it.

It was good because it gave me a culture to be raised in. But, the other side of it was that it is a small religion as religions go and likely only had then about 10,000 to 25,000 people in it worldwide even though at one point when Mr. Ballard was alive it was likely a Million or more people in 1939. Mary Pickford the actress and her husband were members of the Saint Germain Foundation so this was kind of a "Religion of the Stars" of Hollywood like that and very progressive to think this way for the times (but still a cult) because it was very unique in what we all believed and what many still believe today.

What was good about it for me: "It was good for me to give me a culture to grow up in and it introduced me to Jesus and Saint Germain and gave me a personal life long connection to both of them. I am always experiencing Jesus and Saint Germain and Mary the mother of Jesus and Archangel Michael and thousands and thousands of angels in my life every single day. In fact, now it is millions of angels in my life all the time, especially during this coronavirus. Why?

Most people don't have the connection personally with angels and masters like Jesus and Saint Germain.

So, people like myself are very important regarding children being born and people passing away because our work becomes very very important to the present and future of mankind and future life waves coming in of human beings being born here on earth.

So, the best thing about my religion was that it gave me culture and it gave me my connections to Jesus and Saint Germain and Mary the mother of Jesus and Archangel Michael and Millions of other angels.

So, what is the worst thing about my religion?

The worst thing is that they were not as advanced in training as I was trained to be by Jesus and Saint Germain.

In some ways it was like being around superstitious children running amuck that were so superstitious that they were actually dangerous to me and to many other people.

I survived this eventually but many others did not.

So, the danger of churches in general is that they are often composed of sincere but very ignorant people who are afraid of their shadow and afraid of the dark and cannot deal with spiritual evolution or change.

So, it is the very soldier and army like nature of many religious adherents that makes them also dangerous to people who are actually capable of spiritual advancement along the path.

So, unfortunately to be scared and ignorant is the basis of the army of followers of most religions to begin with.

And this is also their great danger to mankind and why fundamentalists of ANY religion could nuke the world out of existence based entirely on superstitious ignorance.

Human extinction and the very extinction of earth is the real danger of all religions on earth caused by superstitious ignorance and fear.

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