Friday, June 5, 2020

By being the Opposite of what a president should be Trump is thinning out the whole human race

And all leaders like him who are authoritarian dictators worldwide are also thinning out the whole human race worldwide.

How are we to think about all this?

I think we are in the middle of a human paradox.

The paradox is that humans want to continue to exist. However, if there are too many of us because humans cannot have big wars anymore like we used to like World War I and World War II because of Nuclear weapons, then the human race has to thin itself out in some other way or we will go extinct later this century.

So, someone somewhere allowed this virus to go viral and now we are being thinned out worldwide by this virus.

It is much much worse than anything you or I am reading on the news by the way. It is decimating the middle and lower classes of the world who have to work among people to eat every day. It is only the upper classes that are being spared major deaths. And even they if they go on planes or cruise ships or restaurants or demonstrate like many are now may die in the next couple of years from coronavirus.

So, who will survive all this?

People who are very lucky or who are very self disciplined and that's all worldwide.

How many will die?

The population of earth is:

7.594 billion (2018)

therefore if 2% of these die in the next 5 years it would be:

Search Results

Calculator Result

2% of 7.59400 billion =

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