Friday, June 19, 2020

The problem:

I'm thinking that the main reason Blacks and Latinos are dying at higher rates than whites might be diet, education but also lack of medical insurance combined with multiple generations living in the same households more than whites as well. Also, less Blacks and hispanics own businesses than whites as well and education levels aren't the same either. All these facts are killing Blacks and hispanics in horrific numbers not only here in the U.S. but also throughout the world. So, this isn't just exclusive to the U.S. but goes worldwide as well.

What is the solution?

Whites don't have a solution and are dying too just at a much lower rate. The only solution for the present seems to be wearing masks and sheltering in place if you want to stay alive.

The only solution I can see on the horizon is a vaccine.

However, it should be noted that a vaccine also might cause a worse pandemic in the long run because of the way these things are caused by extinctions of wildlife in the first place.

When animal and plant species go extinct (and insects and birds and fish too) this causes pandemics to happen in the first place as ecosystems go haywire around the world.

So, a vaccine goes against natural evolution of species here on earth and likely could result in even more humans dying in the next pandemic here on earth.

So, at best a vaccine only buys time before the next pandemic kills even more people in the future.

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