Sunday, January 10, 2021

Insight from the Dalai Lama:

 This is a calendar of sayings of the Dalai Lama: This one was from May 4th of that year.

"If you believe in a Creator God, and that all beings are created by that God so all of us are brothers and sisters created by him, how can you then kill each other? 

It's unthinkable.

When I told God when I was about 18 or 19 that if He didn't appear to me that I would kill myself by the next week, he came to me and talked to me.

Some of the things he said were: 

"People are like the fingers on my hands. So, when people kill each other it is like cutting off some of God's fingers."

I asked God: "What is the purpose of Life?"

And God said, "The purpose of life is to love and to bless life."

This took me to a place that God placed inside my mind where he showed me why he created all life in the universe. And I experienced living in no time and no space and no galaxies and then being bored and wanting more stuff going on. So, as God I experienced the desire to be more interested and less bored and so I created everything as a form of entertainment including time and space and galaxies."

I went into shock for about a week after this experience and was shaking for awhile because actually meeting God was beyond my capacity to cope with as a human being. Why?

Because in the Bible it says: "Man may not see God and Live!"'

The real point of this saying is that "IF you see God like I did you are no longer the human being you were before and your whole life changes profoundly and you are a completely different person."

You are literally "Born Again!"

By God's Grace

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