Sunday, January 10, 2021

The COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan in California

I thought that it might be helpful for people in California to post this vaccination schedule of who is prioritized in getting vaccinations when:

partial quote from:

The COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan in California

 The state has developed a detailed tier system for its first wave of vaccines. California initially prioritized older medical professionals and residents of skilled nursing facilities, but health officials have since opened vaccines to younger health care workers and less medically vulnerable long-term care residents to avoid wasting the state's vaccine supply.

People at least 75 years old are currently grouped in the first tier of phase 1B — just below phase 1A — so they’ll get a vaccine before it’s available to the general public. State health officials have told local health departments to begin vaccinating essential workers and people at least 75 years old if they run out of people to vaccinate in phase 1A. The state's essential workers include people who work in the education, childcare, emergency services and food and agriculture sectors.

The second tier of phase 1B consists of people between the ages of 65 and 74 and workers in the transportation and logistics, industrial, commercial, residential and critical manufacturing sectors. People who are incarcerated or homeless are also listed in the second tier of phase 1B.

Once these groups are vaccinated, doses will be open to people in phase 1C. This group consists of people between the ages of 50 and 64, as well as people 16 and up who have serious medical conditions. Workers in defense, energy, IT, water and wastewater, chemical and hazardous materials, communications, financial services, government operations are also listed in phase 1C.

AARP is fighting for older Americans to be prioritized in getting COVID-19 vaccines because the science has shown that older people are at higher risk of death.

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