Friday, January 8, 2021

Saint Germain had to come close to killing me to fully initiate me as an initiate of Saint Germain

 There are something called "The Mystery Schools" which are training grounds for disciples of Jesus and Saint Germain and other Saints around the world. The people who survive this kind of Training are the "Best of the Best" much like in the training of Astronauts who go to the moon. Surviving this kind of training is very iffy at best. People embark on this kind of training knowing full well that the training is so severe that they might die. By age 15 or 16 I realized this too and still wanted to be an initiate of Saint Germain despite the risks. Then from around 18 to 25 the tests were so severe that I almost died many many times from the training. However, by age 24 Saint Germain realized he could fully initiate me and that I wouldn't fail him because he had tested me within an inch of my life. So, by the time I turned 25 I was a full initiate of Saint Germain and one of his bodies living here on earth that he had given all his most important memories of all his lifetimes in the past, present and future in this galaxy.

By God's Grace

The purpose of all of this was not to start another religion. Religions have now the danger of causing the whole world to get nuked by fundamentalists of all religions. And this will all have to be corrected by thousands of Time Travelers working for the Galaxy or the United Nations here on earth to prevent the end of Earth and earth turning into another asteroid belt. This has happened many times already since 1945 with Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the way. And each time it was retroactively corrected by the Galactic Time Guard or Earth time travelers of Men in Black or UNUS trained by Arcane at the behest of the United Nations of Earth since World War II.

Instead he trained me to share his experiences in multiple lifetimes so people could read about these lifetimes and become inspired in amazing ways for thousands and possibly millions of years into the future.

By God's Grace

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