Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Galactic Government eliminates from Time those who offend the Galactic Government

What does this mean?

What this usually means is that people who nuke or destroy planets are prevented from ever being born or being born ever again on that planet. It can also mean other things, for example, I wrote about those I call "The Morlocks" whose whole species was eliminated through time because of being especially offensive to the Galactic Government in a never ending way. In other words there whole species on their planet was eliminated from time.

So, most of the time it is individuals whose births are prevented and who never will be allowed to be born on Earth ever again. However, if a group or government is persistent and never ending in their offensiveness then the whole group or government or even whole species can be eliminated from time either here on earth or on any other planet or star or nebula or any other place here in the Milky Way Galaxy. 

This is just how things are done here in this Galaxy.

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