Friday, April 9, 2021

Americans have always had both the freedom to be Smart and Creative but also the Freedom to be completely stupid and to Die because of it

So, just like Truth, Freedom is a two edged Sword that can save one's life or take it at each and every point. We have all now seen both things in the extreme during the last year here in the U.S. The laws of Natural Selection regarding Freedom and Truth are saving some Americans and killing others. But, of course this has always been true with only the most practical and pragmatic surviving now here in the U.S. and around the world. 

However, to be fair here many people had no choice in supporting their families but to work in hazardous conditions and to die for various reasons because of it too. But, I still believe the number one killer of humans on earth this last year was Covid even if we likely will never have the data to prove this simply because so many people died before they were tested for it. IN one CDC study it was 8 times the number we are saying it is here in the U.S. And it likely is much worse in many other countries like Brazil where Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil has consciously used coronavirus to kill off as many native South American Indians and their tribes as possible to be able to cut down the rainforests faster there without interference from natives and their tribes.

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