Sunday, April 4, 2021

Home schooling tends to make kids Entrepreneurs and inventors often if that is their inclination to begin with

 When you home school your kids on independent study you free them in a lot of ways from many of the constraints of public School. Public school was more designed to make kids factory workers who are putting one nut on one screw 1 million times the rest of their lives more than anything else really.

It isn't designed to make children creative and entrepreneurial really. It's a dumbing down of people and making them obedient to their masters like you would train a dog to not bite you around your homes more than anything else.

Understanding this if you want to allow your children to be all that they can actually be you need to give them enough freedom to see what actually interests them to begin with.

So, when we put our kids on independent study when they were 8, 6 and 5 we opened them up to their creativity and made them self starters in what they wanted to do in any given moment and what they wanted to do with their lives.

By doing this all our older children have college degrees now because this was 1980 to 1985 now and the oldest is a retired Fire Captain, and the other two are a lawyer and a teacher. So, as you can see by allowing our older children to "be all that they could be" it worked in creating self starters who created their own lives and all achieved independence in their lives and all have now traveled the world as well.

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