Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Spiritual Evolution

 When you are first born you don't know much because you have not been enculturated into whatever culture you have been born in yet. Hopefully, you are loved and cared for and moved in good directions not only for your soul but for mankind as well.

  1. the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.
    • the adaptation of Christian liturgy to a non-Christian cultural background.

  2. However, the way I'm using this word you could be enculturated into ANY religion or even a family that only believes in science or maybe not even that in their culture. So, for me, it's however you are trained wherever you are here on earth.

In Tibetan culture for example, if you are a tulku (a living Buddha) often you won't remember who you are fully until you are 40 or more years old. So, you might have very interesting experiences until you are around 40 if you survive that long.

My experience regarding Spiritual evolution is that it is never ending like Experiences and education on all levels.

So, Spiritual evolution might begin for a person at conception and then continues throughout that lifetime every moment as long as they are alive in a human body on earth.

By God's Grace

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