Friday, April 16, 2021

Time Exit and Entry Points

 begin partial quote from:

note: that particular time field in Elohar and Ragna's home time is/was/will be sometimes called the exit entry points or E-E points for short in time tech talk. This is very useful for Time technicians because one tech could say to another or into a recorder "I entered from 7028 then exited 1969 then I was resident on earth from 1969 until 1974 and then exited from 1974 and reentered 7028. Since this actually happened I can see it very useful.So the 1st E-E point is 7028-1969. The second E-E Point is 1974-7028. Now to complicate matters even further as of May 2003 we have 2 timelines. You reading this are primarily on timeline 2 with me and timeline 1 still exists. For example all the above were in timeline 1 so the E-E points are T1 E-E 7028-1969 and then T1 E-E 1974-7028. In order to come to the present time line most of you and I are on it would be T1 E-E 7028-T2 2003. Of course Biocoms of 7028 store all pertinent information beyond this including bacteria microbes etc. for microbes of 7028 should not be brought to 1969 or vice versa without causing incredible calamities in both times. Biocoms and technology have solved this problems nicely. T2 began between 1999 and 2001. In T2 China, South America, North America, Australia, Japan and all Pacific nations and all life upon them do not go extinct. That is the beauty of the highly modified T2 that most of you and I reading this are presently on.

In T1 only Europe, Africa, Greenland, and Iceland are still inhabitable by humans and other organisms. The primary seat of World Government is in Switzerland. The US, Russia and China are permanently gone as inhabitable nations at least for thousands of years. end note.

end quote.

I received a coded message from Elohar and Ragna at one point and it was something like 7028. something then with an R. So, when I unraveled this I realized the actual day from 7028 that they had left from to first meet me in May or June of 1974 up on mt. Shasta. And before that they traveled to late 1969 to visit me in Southern California then.  

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