Thursday, July 1, 2021

We seemed to have reached some new tipping point in Global Warming in the Western United States and Canada

 I was listening to climatologists talk about how once something like this happens it also makes it easier for it to happen a 2nd or 3rd time too.

Something isn't possible as long as it hasn't happened but then when it has happened it often makes it possible to happen again. 

This appears to be a truism that relates to weather. 

So, I take from this extreme cold or extreme hot events in weather make it possible for these extreme events to happen again.

In other words Things like in Texas where the whole state froze last winter AND events like over 500 people so far having died in the U.S. and Canada in the heat event (not including anyone who might have died from fires partly caused by the heat event) could all happen again later this year or next winter too.(or the years after that).

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