Sunday, March 20, 2022

Another Seers perspective:

 Someone that I know whose perspective I have found it is useful to honor told me something interesting today. Basically, it goes like this: Putin was able to see into the future and what he is now doing is better than what he saw coming in the future if he didn't do this. This is what they said. 

Now, one of the groups of beings with technology like this are groups from our galaxy who travel time regularly. So, theoretically all someone of these beings would have to do is to take him to the future and show him what happens to Russia and the world if he didn't do something. This is possible what has happened in this situation. So, I'm thinking maybe if he didn't do all this crazy shit the Russian Empire would end or something even worse from Putin's perspective was going to happen?

However, then you might possibly want to know the motivations of whoever showed this to PUTIN? as well? if this is true.

If the motivation of the Galactic Beings who showed this to PUTIN was to prevent human extinction this might help mankind in some way in the future. If their motivation was something else then that's another thing.

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