Friday, March 18, 2022

I think Putin has drunk his own Kool-AID so to speak

 In other words I think he believes he needs to do exactly what he is doing in order to maintain the Russian Empire ongoing.

Although he also massacred Chechens just like he is massacring Ukrainians now. So, what he is doing he did before in both Chechnya and Syria before this. So, from his point of view Ukraine HAS to be under Russian Domination for Russians to feel secure against NATO.

Understanding this, I think he plans to kill EVERY SINGLE UKRAINIAN that resists him in any way and then "RECOLONIZE" with Russian people who agree with him afterwards after most of UKRAINE is a bloody mess and graveyard of those who resisted him.

Because of this I agree with the 3.5 Million Ukrainian refugees fleeing to countries all over the world now.

Because those who stay might not live through all this the way PUTIN is presently killing all Ukrainians indiscriminately completely with bombs and missiles at this point.

So, most cities and homes likely will have been destroyed completely before he is through with Ukraine at present and everyone who resists him dead or jailed at the end of this if this continues.

This doesn't mean, however, that the Ukrainian resistance isn't going to plague him for years and years either though. I think he has started a war not possible for Putin or Russia to win in the present day.

In this sense, Ukraine like Afghanistan will never be defeated and likely will become the death of PUTIN in the short or long run.

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