Tuesday, March 22, 2022

If someone had told you early in 2019 that Covid would kill untold millions around the world and then Putin would cluster bomb Ukraine would you have believed them?

 Just as we believed we might just get a break from Covid in the Western World( nope) it doesn't look like it and Putin is Cluster bombing Ukraine and killing civilians right and left and we don't know if Poland or Moldova is next.

In fact, not only is Putin doing this while Javelin Missiles blow up tanks and diesel trucks in 40 mile long Russian Convoys China is having the worst outbreak of Covid they have ever had nationwide this time from BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron.

So, how does one approach all this and keep their head on straight?

I suppose we all have our survival techniques regarding psychological and physical survival to do this.

However, I'm not sure anyone of you would have believed what has happened since 2019 could actually ever happen here on earth in 2019 in January.

Unfortunately, the next year could be just as bad or worse than the past few years for many people around the globe.


Because Global Climate changes are going to cause fires, hurricanes, droughts (like from Colorado West to California) and tornadoes (like they are having this week in the midwest). And it's even worse in countries who can least afford flooding and droughts etc. IN fact, China has lost 1/3 of it's wheat crop or has to put off planting because of flooding so long that they likely need to buy the Wheat that Ukraine and Southern Russia CANNOT grow because of the war now.

And what I find the strangest is when you go places almost NO ONE wears a mask except for my family. why?

Because someone hasn't told them yet that Germany and England's Omicron BA.2 cases are up 56% and more and China's are up 377% or more and that this is soon going to be here too.

So, God help everyone not wearing a mask in the U.S. these next few months here as a direct result.

What happens when 99 out of 100 people indoors don't wear masks in the next few months?

Really bad Omicron cases coast to coast.

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