Wednesday, March 23, 2022

My friend might be right about the sonic booms

 The story I told in another article about a friend of mine in the U.S. Navy blowing up the boilers on Russian Trawlers during the cold war so that they wouldn't follow our Aircraft carriers around the world's oceans. How they did this was by going over the Trawlers and breaking the speed of sound while they did this. It blew up the boilers so they couldn't have steam to run their trawlers and follow the aircraft carriers.

In the hypersonic missiles I had thought that going 5 to 10 times the speed of sound might make all this worse. However, a friend of mine thinks that it's when the sound barrier is first broken that causes the damage to people's ear drums breaking and glass windows breaking and Boilers breaking and blowing up.

So, even at 10 times the speed of sound in a hypersonic missile it's possible that it's only the first time it breaks the sound barrier that causes the damage to breaking people's ear drums and breaking all the glass and blowing up steam boilers.

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