Saturday, March 19, 2022

Though isn't perfect (very few websites are) I was able to make everything more readable than at

 In fact I would have to say that no website is perfect in every way. Whenever you create one aspect of a webpage to be what you want other things tend to not work as well. So, I have never seen a perfectly designed webpage anywhere. Some are better than others. For example, intuitivefred888 at blogspot ( where you are reading this does some things well. I have articles going back to 2007 that you can access if you wish.

However, finding any specific article that you are looking for might be difficult if it is over 1 month old, for example. So, this new site ( that I bought at Wordpress has solved many of these problems for my longer writings which is what I started this site for to begin with. But, as you will notice it isn't perfect either but often what I have written is much easier to read here than at which I also started in 2007 I believe at yahoo business. So, I pay for and I pay for as well.

However, intuitivefred888 here at blogspot ( has always been free since I started it in the fall of 2007.

Also, there are 2 search engine capacities at the top of this website to look up articles by subject built right into the website. When I use them looking for things I have written sometimes I get what I'm looking for and sometimes I don't. So, it's sort of the luck of the draw, I guess.

However, since I tend to quote a lot of news articles often you can find things that happened between now and 2007 that you might not find anywhere else because major news outlets often delete news after a few years whereas I have kept everything I have published here intact since fall of 2007 pretty much.

However, I do reserve the right to delete anything that seems to me that it should be deleted for any reason too along the way.

by God's Grace

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