Monday, March 21, 2022

Ukraine now is a wound on the body of Earth: It affects us all in many different ways

Whatever caused Putin to do this, it affects us all like a wound on the body of earth. Here in the U.S. we are affected by Gas prices. These are the easiest to quantify. I paid over 6 dollars a gallon for Gas in King City traveling south for the first time last Thursday. Today I went to a gas station and Regular was $6.159 

per gallon for regular gas. So for example, 10 gallons of regular would be $61.59 which is higher than I think I have ever seen gas prices before in my entire life. For example, I remember paying 17 cents a gallon in San Pedro at a Mohawk station there in 1969 and this was for regular gas for my 1966 VW when I was in college then. I also had a 1968 Camaro but it was much more expensive to drive because it's a muscle car and very fast.

But, seeing Ukraine as a wound on the body of earth that affects us all might be useful.

So, today here in Santa Barbara gasoline was also for Premium $6.459 and for Diesel $6.699 a gallon.

This is the way you know everyone is suffering with all this because all food (and gas) is hauled by trucks powered by Gas and Diesel and the costs have to be passed down to the consumer for everything to work and for people to stay in business. 

So, how many people here in the U.S. (let alone the rest of the world) are going to starve now because of these upwardly mobile prices? I would say right now if this continues ( a lot!)

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