Wednesday, March 23, 2022

When I first received the Kalchakra Tantric initiation from the Dalai Lama along with 500,000 other in Bodhgaya I didn't know what it was

 I had been working as a Fire Lookout for CDF on top of a mountain of about 4000 feet then here in California. One Day Vajra Kiliya who is a form of Vajrasattva which means Diamond Vow in Tibetan Buddhism came to me to tell me I was going to India in December. It was then fall of 1985. I went home and told my wife we were going to India and she said, "Where's the money for that?" I said I didn't know but that it likely was going to happen anyway. My fire lookout job was a 6 month a year job from May to October for the 2 years I did this. And we also owned two other businesses as well. So, the fire lookout job mostly was because they had incredible medical insurance and we were raising 3 teenagers at that time and the insurance covered medical, dental and hearing as well as glasses I believe then which was a God Send.

When it got close to December we went to a travel agency but they wanted too much money and we had to hire someone to run our businesses while we were gone so this didn't look very good. But, a week or two later my mother was visiting and a friend of ours who had worked for the Berkeley Barb as an artist in the 1960s went with us all to see Haight Ashbury because of the Summer of Love nostalgia from maybe 1967 or something then in 1985? My mother saw in the window of a travel agency a deal where it was like $250 for a week in Hawaii and so I went into the agency with her so she wouldn't be taken advantage of.

Inside I realized this place sold discount Air fares of a special kind that College researchers like Professors and students use that are going to archaeological digs in other countries often use where the time isn't set and you go sort of stand by when seats are available and they cost much less (at least then) than other airline tickets where you leave on a specific date and return on a specific date.

So, for 6000 dollars I got 5 open ended tickets for my wife and 3 children to Narito in Japan, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Kathmandu, Nepal. They would be good for 6 months time as long as we left on the first leg to Japan and Thailand by December 11th 1985.

So, we were there in Asia from December 11th 1985 until April of 1986 in Japan, Thailand, Nepal and India. And we all received the Kalachakra Tantra from the Dalai Lama the last two weeks of December of 1985 there in Bodhgaya, India.

We actually went then to Bodhgaya, India to meet a Tibetan Lama Friend that we knew from Santa Cruz, California and he enrolled us in the Kalachakra Tantra then which I believe was about a 4 day initiation.

The point being that I have always been a Seer all my life (an Intuitive precognitive psychic) and so seeing Angels and Dieties is something that I have seen all my life including Saint Germain, Jesus, Mary the Mother of Jesus etc. along the way.

I knew we would be protected on this journey because God was calling us and initiating us for the rest of our lives into our God Work for this lifetime.

By God's Grace

PS But, there were some very close calls like when my 12 year old step daughter was afraid of White Rhinos in the Area in Chitwan National Park in Nepal on the Terai and fell out of a 30 foot tall tree head first towards the ground. I thought she was going to die but somehow the two limbs near the bottom of the tree caught her hips and stopped her descent and all I had to do was to grab her head so it didn't bang against the tree and split her head open.

We had many miracles like this on our time from December 1985 until April 1986 through the Himalayas, and Bodhgaya India, through Nepal Trekking high into the Himalayas and to Dharamshala, India where the Dalai Lama lives during this time. We also spent several weeks in Thailand snorkeling and renting a wind surfer on Koi Samed Island off the Coast of Bangkok, Thailand.

This journey made all my children and my wife and I Citizens of the World and World Travelers ever since. I was 37 and so was my wife then and our children were 10, 12 and 14 years old then too. Now they are all around 50 years old.

By God's Grace

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