Sunday, May 22, 2022

The last thing I wrote about people being victimized in all religions worldwide is why I stopped going to church mostly at this point in my life

Why? Because I want to protect my family and myself from further victimization. Also, I should say that I was asked to leave my church at age 21 and partly because of this and partly because of the fact that the girl I was to marry there stayed in the church and I left in addition to my leaving the church I had to fight suicide from age 21 to 25. Do  I blame the church for a lot of my suffering. Yes. I do. Were they intentionally trying to get me to die?

It doesn't really matter if this was intentional or not, Shunning kills many people who leave a church around 18 to 25. If you look at the actual statistics of how many people churches kill by shunning worldwide It likely is in the millions per year.

But, of course no one I know keeps these statistics because churches worldwide don't want you to know this about all Churches worldwide. So, being a young person with your own mind and thinking for yourself rather than just being an obedient slave or sheep can get you killed, especially if you were born into this church as a baby and brainwashed all your life with it's precepts (no matter what they are) worldwide in any church in any country worldwide. 

IF you don't see all churches on earth as brainwashing then maybe you need to study cultural anthropology, comparative religion, psychology or philosophy. 

I have studied all these things regarding all religions worldwide and being an independent thinker can get you dead one way or another in many churches worldwide.

Something to think about.

How many of your relatives or friends committed suicide or otherwise self destructed as soldiers worldwide because of Shunning?

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